
Discernment Counseling

If you or your spouse are considering divorce but are not completely sure that’s the best path, you are in a tough spot. Discernment Counseling is designed for you. It’s a chance to slow down, take a breath, and look at your options for your marriage. 

Discernment Counseling is a new way of helping couples where one person is “leaning out” of the relationship—and not sure that regular marriage counseling would help--and the other is “leaning in”—that is, interested in rebuilding the marriage. 

Dr. Shawn Quintanilla will help you decide whether to try to restore your marriage to health, move toward divorce, or take a time out and decide later.  The goal is for you to gain clarity and confidence about a direction, based on a deeper understanding of your relationship and its possibilities for the future. The goal is not to solve your marital problems but to see if they are solvable. 

For additional information call the office 281-997-8400 and inform the administrative staff answering the phone of your interest in Discernment Counseling. Dr. Shawn will call you back to answer any questions and schedule your appointments.

To set up a phone consultation, call 281-997-8400